Joyful Life, Joyful Death
“A life is, as death is. The awareness of this fact allows you to live fully and intensely” - Sadhguru
The same way I entered this world
Is the same way I will leave.
I am to live, therefore I am to die.
With no choice.
I am to lose and I am to be lost.
I have no choice.
I am to lose
I am afraid for my beloved to die.
I hate discussing the topic.
I can’t imagine them not being alive.
Would it bring me peace to know,
How they transition and
where do they go?
If I change my perspective
and think of them as free.
I’ll be comforted by the idea,
that they lived joyfully.
I am to be lost
I told him I was afraid to die.
It’s a little odd discussing the topic.
He said “I’m kind of looking forward to it”
Though his words were a little cryptic
He was a thoughtful man,
Who never really missed shit.
With no choice
Death will come for you,
You will have to let life go.
With all the choices you have,
It would be wise to live,
Like there’s no tomorrow.
Don’t let circumstances
Get in the way of how you are.
Just live this life,
With joy in your heart.
Before I lay me down to sleep;
I pray that our memories,
will keep you at peace.
But as for me,
I don’t know where I’ll be.
Is it floating like Serena,
as foam in the sea?
Better yet, an angel in Heaven,
with glitter-filled wings.
Perhaps I’ll possess a lifetime,
as a colossal deciduous tree.
But If I could remember one thing,
it would undeniably be,
that in my last lifetime,
I was joyfully me.
We are just returning to whence we came. It would be wise to be joyful on the way.
I have no choice.